Sunday, August 3, 2014

Introducing my blog: Lilies of Grace!

Hi There!
So you happened to have stumbled across my blog. Sit down, have a cup of tea. I'll tell you about myself. My name is Katie and I am a 14 year old homeschooler. Through this blog, I am hoping to inspire and encourage other girls. My favourite Bible verse I've ever read is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Sometimes when I'm going through a tough time, I read it and remember that Jesus is always there for me. I'm hoping this will be an encouragement to you. This blog is focused on faith, and trusting God in all you do.
If this doesn't sound of any interest to you, you may go on with your life, but if you like what you see, stay.
In the future, I will write about faith, the Bible, and feminine modesty.
Check back soon for more!


  1. Good luck on your blog. I look forward to more. :)

  2. Looking forward to reading more! Looks like a beautiful blog.

  3. Hey there! What a wonderful idea for a blog. I am glad to "meet" another passionate Christian who is my age! Good luck with the blog and I shall be on here again soon. Also, I would love to here your personal modesty standards :) .

    1. Hi Kara!
      I'm so glad to "meet" you as well! :-)
      I would love to share my modesty standards...I will write a post about it sometime in the near future! ;)

  4. Thank you! Keep it going girl! You are really fabulous and inspiring! :)
